The Decatur Central High School Bands and Guard Program has been a part of Decatur Central High School since the mid 1960s. During this timeframe, they have experienced success in all aspects of competitive music and guard at the local, state, regional and National levels. This is in large part due to the passion, energy, knowledge and wisdom of our current Director of Bands, Mr. Tim Cox.
Although you can trace every successful program back to its leader, there many other aspects that can help perpetuate success such as support staff, students, parents, equipment, and instruments. The most visual aspect of every successful band and guard program is the uniform. It can have an impact on scores, but more important, it instills a sense of pride amongst everyone involved with the program.
After 18 years, it is time that we update our marching band uniforms as well as purchase new uniforms for the wind ensemble. With the marching band trend moving to using tops like you would see during winter season instead of traditional heavy jackets, the price per unit would be less thus allowing us to use the additional funds to uniform our wind ensemble in dresses and tuxedos.
To accomplish both goals we will need to raise $90,000. We are very aware that this is a lot of money, but the good news is that we have already raised $17,000. We are off to a great start, but want to continue the momentum. This is where you can help! A donation of any amount will be greatly appreciated and will get us one step closer to new uniforms. If you are not able to donate, maybe you know family member, alumni or someone that has a connection to a company that is willing to help a great program that has given to countless students of Decatur Township.
The benefits of contributing to our uniform campaign will be the satisfaction of knowing that played a part in developing the pride of the students, staff, parents and administration of Decatur Township. The other benefit is that your donation will be tax deductible.
It is the goal to fill the band member in the uniform campaign logo. We are almost 19% of way to attaining our goal, but will now need the help from everyone to make this a reality.
Progress Made So Far