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DCHS Band Boosters Executive Board Members

The DCHS Band Booster Executive Board works in conjunction with the DCHS Band/Guard Directors to further the goals of the organization and to prepare for the Band Boosters' monthly membership meetings.


The Executive Board's duties include, but are not limited to:

  1. Supervising all of the affairs of the organization, and transacting necessary business in accordance with the Bylaws and articles of incorporation of the organization.

  2. Approving a budget and fundraising activities for each year and amending the budget as necessary.

  3. Overseeing Band Booster finances.

  4. Presenting a brief report of activities at the Band Boosters meetings. 

Election of Executive Board Members

Nominations will be accepted in March from the floor of the Band Booster Meeting for all Executive Officer positions. Upon the nominee's acknowledgment and their willingness to accept the nomination, they shall be placed on the ballot to be voted on during the May Band Banquet.


Newly elected officers will take over effective June 1.


The president shall preside over all business meetings, prepare agenda for said meetings, arrange any special meetings as needed, serve as ex-official member of all committees, and coordinate with the vice president to make sure the committees are functioning as needed. The president shall provide the proper direction of the boosters in order to obtain the goals of the organization. This person is the face of the program to the band parents. If needed be willing to chair a committee in the event no one has volunteered.

  • Budget preparation with treasurer & band director

  • Develop Committees – help to find suitable candidates

  • Develop executive board nominations with band director

  • Oversee the CHARMS music system for the band department

  • Support and promote the band in all capacities

  • Have a meeting with the president-elect once per month before each monthly meeting to develop the meeting agenda

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The president elects supports the  the current president(s). They shall preside over all booster meetings in the absence of the president(s), assist the president in any and all tasks, assume the president-elect duties upon their resignation or if the president-elect is unable to fulfill their duties.

  • Assist the president(s) with appointing and training of committee chairpersons and make them aware of the requirements of their committee.

  • Oversees team leaders with contests, events and other areas as needed

  • Back-up for president(s)

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Vice President
Jeff Ludlow
Phone/Text: 317-847-0618

The vice president supports both the president and president-elect. They shall preside over all booster meetings in the absence of the president/president-elect, assist the president in any and all tasks, assume the president-elect duties upon their resignation or if the president-elect is unable to fulfill their duties.

  • Assist the president-elect with appointing and training of committee chairpersons and make them aware of the requirements of their committee.

  • Oversees the following team leaders: Hospitality, Chaperone, Color Guard, WPE, and Winds

  • Oversees Concessions/Fundraising with vp-elect

  • Back-up for president-elect

Co-Vice President
Bill Hogbin
Phone/Text: 317-413-9999

The treasurer is not only an executive board member, but also a paid employee of DCHS Band Boosters, Inc. The treasurer shall attend all meetings, handle the deposits of all income, payment of bills, manage payroll and distribute salaries owed to paid staff. The treasurer shall monitor the booster’s Paypal account, bank card, bank account, and bank reconciliation. 

  • Provides & tracks all monies/change for concessions & events, collect & keep track of fund raising revenue

  • Keep student accounts current with charges, credits, & payments as well as providing statements every other month

  • Request and maintain W9's for all staff members and provide 1099's at year's end, prepare monthly fiscal year financial reporting for board meetings

  • Keep calendar year financial reporting and prepare 990 tax return at year's end

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Assistant Treasurer
Chelsey Stutz
Phone/Text: 317-728-6571

The assistant treasurer shall attend all meetings, assist the treasurer with various finances, handle deposits, etc.

  • Assist in tracking monies from concessions, fundraising & events

  • Assist in keeping student accounts current with charges, credits, & payments

  • Provide appropriate reporting to Treasurer

  • Assist in monitoring overall compliance with Cash Handling Policy

  • Other duties as assigned by the Treasurer

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Becky Ludlow
Phone/Text: 317-292-2501

The secretary shall attend all booster and executive board meetings and record minutes to be made publicly available to any interested parties (make sure they are on the website). 

  • Collect and maintain all student records, including commitment forms, medical forms and all parental permissions.

  • Keeping contacts updated, monitoring all incoming and outgoing email, forwarding emails (charms) to the appropriate parties when necessary and composing a weekly email update to be distributed to all current boosters.

  • Maintain a current inventory of all physical assets (with the president as we move to the CHARMS system).


The publicity webmaster shall attend all meetings, maintain and update the website and all social media accounts owned by DCHS Band Boosters, Inc. 

  • Publish new business, current booster events, contest and event information for the whole band department on the organization's website and various social media accounts.

  • Create monthly newsletter to be sent to various MSD employees, including school board staff.


The past president(s) shall assist the board and new presidents as they transition into the roll of president.

  • Serve as knowledge base for current Executive Board

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