DCHS Band Accomplishments 2020-2021 School Year
Marching Band Season (Fall 2020)
Cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
All Hallows' Eve Concert (Fall 2020)
Our first ever Halloween concert event (October 29th-30th).
Most students dressed in Halloween costumes and were part of the Halloween Costume Contest.
The band also held a canned food drive during the event.
14th Annual Holiday Spectacular featuring DCHS Bands (Dec. 8th)
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Holiday Spectacular was limited to only the band department and was held in the gym.
Our annual Winter Showcase featured performances by our four indoor groups: Winter Percussion, Indoor Winds, Varsity Winter Guard and DMS Cadet Guard (March 19th).
DCHS was one of 80 schools to received the Support Music Merit Award (SMMA) from the NAMM Foundation. The NAMM Foundation! A SMMA Award is an opportunity for an individual school to be acknowledged for its commitment to music education. It is a "school-only" distinction awarded as part of the Best Communities for Music Education program.
Special Guests
Mr. Crowder welcomed his first ever student teacher, Entenaire Miriti from Butler University.
Winter Percussion Ensemble (Winter/Spring 2021)
3rd Place: Decatur Central HS (2-20-21)
3rd Place: Perry Meridian HS (2-27-21)
4th Place: Greenfield Central HS (3-6-21)
1st Place: Center Grove HS Prelims (3-30-21)
8th Place: Ben Davis HS State Finals (3-27-21)
Indoor Winds (Winter/Spring 2021)
2nd Place: Decatur Central HS (2-20-21)
1st Place: Greenfield Central HS (2-27-21)
1st Place: Greenfield Central HS (3-6-21)
1st Place: Pendleton HS IPA Prelims (3-13-21)
2nd Place (Runners Up): Center Grove State Finals (3-20-21)
Varsity Color Guard (Winter/Spring 2021)
1st Place: Brownsburg HS (2-13-21)
1st Place: Zionsville HS (3-6-21)
1st Place: Northview HS (3-13-21)
1st Place: Decatur Central HS (3-20-21)
WGI Nationals (Virtual Competition): Advanced to semi-finals
2nd Place (Runners Up): Class A State Finals: Center Grove (4-10-21)
JV DMS Color Guard (Winter/Spring 2021)
2nd Place: Franklin HS (2-6-21)
4th Place: Terre Haute South HS (2-20-21)
3rd Place: Mt. Vernon HS (2-27-21)
1st Place: Virtual Contest (3-13-21)
9th Place out of 34th: IHSCGA State Finals (3-27-21)
The only middle school color guard to make state finals in IHSCGA history!
Accomplishments by School Year

2020 Halloween Concert
All Hallows' Eve

2021 Winter Percussion Show

2021 Indoor Winds Show
The Grey Area

2021 Color Guard Show
New York State of Mind